
This study investigated the effects of anaerobic digestion duration on methane yield, net energy production, and humification of compost during solid state anaerobic digestion (SSAD) and composting hybrid process for food waste treatment. Carbon flow and balance were used to evaluate organic methanation and humification inclination of carbon in the whole SSAD and aerobic composting system. Results showed that SSAD for 15 (AD-15) and 21 days (AD-21) could increase net energy production and degraded organic matter contained in the mixtures to achieve high biological stability. The cumulative net energy production between the AD-15 and AD-21 treatments was not significantly different, which was 8.3% higher than that in SSAD for 30 days (AD-30). Furthermore, digestate (AD-15 and AD-21) composting for 3 days reached maturity and absence of phytotoxic substances. Carbon fixed into humus of the AD-21 treatment (11.6%) was not significantly different from that of AD-15 (12.0%). However, the total amount of carbon fixed into compost in AD-15 was 6.6% higher than that in AD-21. Moreover, the CO2 -C loss of the AD-15 treatment (22.9%) was slightly higher than that of AD-21 (20.6%). Thus, AD-21 treatment achieved the most effective use of carbon during SSAD and composting hybrid process for food waste treatment. These results could provide valuable insights for the effective management of food waste in practice.

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