
Production of forage plays an important role in development of livestock production systems. However, high quality and quantity of forage production is challenging to most livestock keepers due to inadequate knowledge on the effective fertilizer application and combinations for optimal production of improved grasses. The objective of this research was to determine the effect of different fertilizer combinations on yield and quality of two varieties of Rhodes grass. The treatments were; 0 Kg CAN/ha + 0 tons farmyard manure/ha, 75 kg CAN/ha + 5 tons farmyard manure/ha, 100 kg CAN/ha + 10 tons farmyard manure/ha, 125 kg CAN/ha + 15 tons farmyard manure/ha (L1, L2, L3 and L4) with two Rhodes grass varieties (Bhoma Rhodes and Katambora Rhodes grass). A randomized complete block design was used for establishment with three blocks of 2x1m separated by 1.0m pathway. Each block was subdivided into twelve subplots of 1x1m alienated by 0.5m pathways resulting into 36 plots. The data was collected on agronomic and qualitative parameters such as plant height and percentage dry matter. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to determine any significant differences between treatment means at (P<0.05). Significant means were separated using Least Significant Difference (LSD) at 5% significant level. There was significant effect (P <0.05) after applying different rates of both CAN fertilizers and farm yard manure on the agronomic and qualitative parameters of Rhodes grass varieties except for metabolizable energy and percentage invitro dry matter digestibility. The study concluded that increase in plant attributes was achieved by application of 125 kg CAN/ha + 15 tons farmyard manure/ha and Bhoma Rhodes grass variety responded better in all treatments than Katambora Rhodes grass variety.

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