
This study investigates the effects of glycerol, 1,2 propanediol, sucrose, and trehalose on post-thaw motility, morphology, and genome integrity of Awassi ram semen. Ejaculates of thick consistency with rapid wave motion (>+++) and >70% initial motility were pooled. Sperm were diluted to a final concentration of 1/5 (semen/extender) in 0% cryoprotectant, 6% glycerol, 6% 1,2 propanediol, 62.5mM sucrose or 62.5mM trehalose using a two-step dilution method. The equilibrated semen was frozen in 0.25-ml straws. Semen samples were examined for sperm motility, defective acrosomes (FITC-Pisum sativum agglutinin (FITC PSA)), DNA integrity (acridine orange staining (AO)) and apoptotic activity (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) and Caspase-3 activity) at four time points: after dilution with extender A, after cooling to 5°C, after equilibration and post-thaw. Freezing and thawing procedures (cooling at 5°C, dilution, equilibration, and thawing) had negative effects on motility (P<0.001), acrosome integrity (P<0.001), and DNA integrity as determined by AO (P<0.001) and TUNEL (P<0.001) assays. There were positive correlations between sperm with defective acrosomes and apoptotic (AO- and TUNEL-positive) spermatozoa. In contrast, a significant negative correlation was found between sperm motility and defective acrosomes and AO- and TUNEL positivity (P<0.01). The cryopreservation process acts as an apoptotic inducer in ram semen; all cryoprotectants used in the present study allowed apoptosis to some extent, with negative effects on sperm morphology and DNA integrity. The glycerol group performed better than the propanediol, sucrose, trehalose, and control groups in terms of post-thaw sperm motility but not DNA integrity.

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