
Field tests are important for evaluating how wood performs in real-world conditions and making informed choices for material selection. These tests help assess wood's durability, strength, decay processes, and resistance against harmful organisms. Furthermore, it helps users make more informed decisions about the color of wood and understand the importance of color changes depending on the place and time of use. Because weather conditions are asignificant factor that influences the color of wood. Wood that is exposed to prolonged sunlight, moisture, and rain may experience fading, darkening, or staining in its color. In this study, heartwood, sapwood, and CCB impregnated sapwood samples of Scotchpine, spruce, beech and alder were exposed to the soil contact (hazard class 4) according to EN252 for 3years in Trabzon, Muğla, Çanakkale, and Elazığ provinces of Turkey with completely different climatic conditions from each other. Color parameters and color change values were evaluatedusing L*, a*, b*and ∆E* of the samples collected from test sites. The most significant color change was observed at Scotchpine in Çanakkale province. Greater color changes were observed in theheartwood of coniferous species.Impregnated samples showed the least color change.

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