
Activated sludge comprises diverse bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms, featuring a rich repertoire of genes involved in antibiotic resistance, pollutant degradation, and elemental cycling. In this regard, hybrid assembly technology can revolutionize metagenomics by detecting greater gene diversity in environmental samples. Nonetheless, the optimal utilization and comparability of genomic information between hybrid assembly and short- or long-read technology remain unclear. To address this gap, we compared the performance of the hybrid assembly, short- and long-read technologies, abundance and diversity of annotated genes, and taxonomic diversity by analysing 46, 161, and 45 activated sludge metagenomic datasets, respectively. The results revealed that hybrid assembly technology exhibited the best performance, generating the most contiguous and longest contigs but with a lower proportion of high-quality metagenome-assembled genomes than short-read technology. Compared with short- or long-read technologies, hybrid assembly technology can detect a greater diversity of microbiota and antibiotic resistance genes, as well as a wider range of potential hosts. However, this approach may yield lower gene abundance and pathogen detection. Our study revealed the specific advantages and disadvantages of hybrid assembly and short- and long-read applications in wastewater treatment plants, and our approach could serve as a blueprint to be extended to terrestrial environments.

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