
Ascaris lumbricoides infection is acquired via ingestion of embryonated eggs of the parasite, thus justifying the search for ovicidal compounds. We studied the effect of 16 household and laboratory detergents and disinfectants on the embryogenesis of this helminth. Children carrying this infection were treated with levamisole. Eliminated female worms were collected and dissected to obtain eggs from the uteri. The eggs were placed in contact with various products at different dilutions and for various periods of time. After washing, eggs were incubated at 28 grades C for 20 days, for viability tests and to determine the embryonation rate. Only one product completely inhibited the embryonation of eggs at every dilution and for every time period tested. Five products inhibited more than 50% of embryonation, while six inhibited less than 50%. Three products showed no effect on embryonation, while for one the percentage of embryonated eggs was higher than in the control tubes.

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