
Early diagnosis of breast, colon, rectum and prostate cancers improves health outcomes. Low socioeconomic status (SES) is related to advanced stages at diagnosis; inequalities could explain differences in outcomes by age. The influence of SES, age and residence area on staging was explored in the Umbrian population. 2001-2010 cases were geo-coded by census tract of residence. Stage distribution or Gleason score were analyzed by multilevel multinomial logistic regression with age and SES as the fixed effects and census tract as the random-effect. For breast and colorectal cancers, the screening age class was advantaged. For breast, age effect was modulated by deprivation and census tract. In the elderly, the richest were advantaged, the poorest disadvantaged; issues emerged for the young. For colon, age effect is modulated by census tract in early stages and deprivation in late stages. The elderly were disadvantaged; the young and the deprived had more stages IV. About rectum, age effect was modulated by deprivation in the late stages. The elderly were disadvantaged; the young and the deprived presented more stages IV. For prostate, age effect was modulated by deprivation and census tract. The intermediate age class was advantaged, the elderly disadvantaged. Age was not always the determinant of a delayed staging when SES was considered. For breast and colorectal cancers, issues of delayed diagnosis emerged in the young. If the care center was near the residence, the census tract modified the stage at diagnosis. These results are useful to reduce SES barriers by specific programs adapted to the age of the patient and area of residence.

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