
The dynamic behavior of projectiles upon impact with granular media was recorded using two high-speed video cameras for capturing different angles. We used steel, brass, tungsten carbide spheres, and alumina ceramic spheres with diameters in the range of 6-20 mm as the projectiles and poly- styrene beads (6 mm in diameter) and glass beads (1.7 mm in diameter) as the granular media. Upon impact, the projec- tiles penetrated the media, rebounded from the media, or were deflected such that their resulting motion was in a horizontal direction. Post-impact motion of the projectiles depended on the impact angles of the projectiles, the density ratio (bulk density/projectile density), and the diameter ratio (granular diameter/projectile diameter) and not on the impact veloc- ity. The post-impact motion of the projectiles did not fol- low a clear trend in terms of the transient angle; instead, we observed the existence of a transient region. On the basis of the area of the transient regions, an empirical equation was derived for determining the critical angle of projectiles (the angle at which they can penetrate the granular media) as a function of the density ratio and the diameter ratio.

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