
Quantum-chemical calculations have been performed to evaluate the geometries, bonding nature and harmonic frequencies of the compounds [EUX3] at DFT, DFT-D3, DFT-D3(BJ) and DFT-dDSc levels using different density functionals BP86, BLYP, PBE, revPBE, PW91, TPSS and M06-L. The stretching frequency of UN bond in [NUF3] calculated with DFT/BLYP closely resembles with the experimental value. The performance of different density functionals for accurate UN vibrational frequencies follows the order BLYP>revPBE>BP86>PW91>TPSS>PBE>M06-L. The BLYP functional gives accurate value of the UE bond distances. The uranium atom in the studied compounds [EUX3] is positively charged. Upon going from [EUF3] to [EUCl3], the partial Hirshfeld charge on uranium atom decreases because of the lower electronegativity of chlorine compared to flourine. The Gopinathan–Jug bond order for UE bonds ranges from 2.90 to 3.29. The UE bond dissociation energies vary with different density functionals as M06-L<TPSS<BLYP<revPBE<BP86<PBE≈PW91. The orbital interactions ΔEorb, in all studied compounds [EUX3] are larger than the electrostatic interaction ΔEelstat, which means the UN bonds in these compound have greater degree of covalent character (in the range 63.8–77.2%). The UE σ-bonding interaction is the dominant bonding interaction in the nitride and methylidyne complexes while it is weaker in [PUX3]. The dispersion energy contributions to the total bond dissociation energies are rather small. Compared to the Grimme’s D3(BJ) corrections, the Corminboeuf’s dispersion corrections are larger with metaGGA functionals (TPSS, M06-L) while smaller with GGA functionals.

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