
The effect of dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate (DCPA) applied during the establishment of Tifgreen bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon(L.) Pers. XC. transvaalensisBurtt-Davy) on subsequent winter injury was studied. DCPA treatments to plots sprigged in July or later increased winter injury. DCPA applied in July, August, or September to plots planted in June resulted in approximately 15% of the turf being killed during the winter; however, DCPA applied before the middle of June did not significantly influence winter injury. Significant increases were found in total nitrogen, nitrate, amino acids, and protein of stolons harvested from DCPA-treated plots. These data suggest that DCPA treatments applied during establishment resulted in a less winter hardy condition by maintaining vegetative growth into the normal period of winter hardening.

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