
ObjectivesThe date fruit has been shown to possess several health benefits. This study aims to determine the effects of date fruit consumption on the onset and progression of labour.MethodsA randomised controlled clinical study was conducted on 89 participants to assess the effects of date fruit consumption on the onset and progression of labour. Twenty-six participants consumed date fruits alone, and 32 consumed date fruits followed by drinking of water. Thirty-one served as controls.ResultsThere was a significant positive impact of consuming (rutab) date fruits on maternal outcomes in both the first and third stages of labour (p < 0.05 and p < 0.001, respectively). In addition, there was a significant relationship with the foetal well-being factors, such as healthy liquor, foetal heart rate, presence of caput, and Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, and Respiration (APGAR) score at 5 min (p < 0.05). The other maternal and foetal well-being factors showed no significant relationship with consumption of date fruits during labour.ConclusionThe present study showed a promising effect of (rutab) date fruit consumption on the duration of the stages of labour. No significant differences were observed between the date fruit consumers and their counterparts regarding cervical dilatation; rupture of membranes; strength, frequency, and regularity of uterine contractions; tocometric reports; and maternal progression factors. Additionally, the APGAR score at 5 min was better among the infants whose mothers consumed date fruits.

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