
The focus of this annotated bibliography is on the physical and Ecological Effects of dams on rivers. Thousands of papers have been published on the topics addressed here; this bibliography therefore only provides an introduction to the literature and identifies some key papers, although many important works beyond those annotated here have been published. The bibliography is divided into the following subsections: General Overviews, Special Issues, Geomorphic Effects, Sediment Issues, Hydrologic Effects, Ecological Effects, Riparian Vegetation effects, US Case Studies, International Studies, environmental flows, and Other Dam Effects Topics. Many of the papers included here could fit under more than one subheading; for example, studies of dam effects typically consider hydrologic effects and some combination of associated geomorphic and/or ecological effects. The following topics are, for the most part, not addressed here, although some of the individual papers may address some of these issues as part of broader studies of dam effects: social effects, human health, economics, river response to dam removal, and effects of beaver dams.

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