
Abstract. A transmission electron microscope study of fresh and cryopreserved Nereis virens larvae at the three chaetiger stage is described with special emphasis on examining the structure of the photoreceptors and surface ciliation of the head, the midgut epithelium, and muscle cells. Complex ectodermal structures such as the developing rhabdomeric adult eyes were unaffected by the cryopreservation procedure. Some loss of surface cilia on the prostomium was observed but is not life‐threatening though it may restrict ciliary swimming in the recovered larvae. Loss of pigment from the prostomium is caused by osmotic stress. Structural damage was observed in the digestive tissues of the larvae cryopreserved before or after the optimum stage of development. This damage is potentially more serious and may account for the relatively short time period during development where cryopreservation can be successfully applied.

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