
Catalase activity of a loamy sand under a 3-year crop rotation in the southeastern U.S.A. was monitored. Corn (Zea mays L.), cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] were the summer crops in the rotation. Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was planted after corn, and soybean was followed by a winter fallow period. Cotton was followed by a mixture of common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) and crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum Gibelli & Belli) which was eventually plow-incorporated as a green manure. Highest mean catalase activities were recorded in soil under the wheat, soybean, and winter legume crops; lowest activities were found in soil bearing corn and cotton, and during the winter fallow period. The fertilization regime influenced soil catalase activity independently of the crop. Soil deficient in any of the major elements showed low enzyme activity. Highest activity was found in soil fertilized with P and K, and with N supplied by a winter legume crop. Addition of supplementary mineral nitrogen to this regime reduced catalase activity. Elimination of the winter legume crop from an otherwise complete fertilization regime resulted in a drastic reduction in enzyme activity. In soil receiving a complete fertilization regime there was a close correlation between soil catalase and xylanase activities. A similar correlation between these two enzymes was not found in soil receiving incomplete fertilization.

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