
1. Mechanically skinned fast-twitch (FT) and slow-twitch (ST) muscle fibres of the rat were used to investigate the effects of fatigue-like changes in creatine phosphate (CP) and inorganic phosphate (P(i)) concentration on Ca(2+)-activation properties of the myofilaments as well as Ca2+ movements into and out of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). 2. Decreasing CP from 50 mM to zero in FT fibres increased maximum Ca(2+)-activated tension (Tmax) by 16 +/- 2% and shifted the mid-point of the tension-pCa relation (pCa50) to the left by 0.28 +/- 0.03 pCa units. In ST fibres, a decrease of CP from 25 mM to zero increased Tmax by 9 +/- 1% and increased the pCa50 by 0.16 +/- 0.01 pCa units. The effect of CP on Tmax was suppressed in both fibre types by prior treatment with 0.3 mM FDNB (1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene), suggesting that these effects may occur via changes in creatine kinase activity. 3. Increases of P(i) in the range 0-50 mM reduced the pCa50 and Tmax in both fibre types. These effects were more pronounced in ST fibres than in FT fibres in absolute terms. However, normalization of the results to resting P(i) levels appropriate to both fibre types (1 mM for FT and 5 mM for ST fibres) revealed similar decreases in Tmax (approximately 39% at 25 mM P(i) and approximately 48% at 50 mM P(i)) and pCa50 (0.25 pCa units at 25-50 mM P(i)). The depressant action of P(i) on both parameters was considerably reduced when the rise in P(i) was accompanied by an equivalent reduction in [CP]. 4. Tension development in the presence of complex, fatigue-like milieu changes (40 mM P(i) for FT; 20 mM P(i) for ST) was decreased by 35-40% at a constant myoplasmic [Ca2+] of 6 microM in both fibre types. 5. SR Ca2+ loading at a myoplasmic [Ca2+] of 100 nM was found to increase abruptly when the [P(i)] during loading was increased to near 9 mM. At a myoplasmic [Ca2+] of 300 nM, the threshold P(i) for this effect dropped to approximately 3 mM. 6. Tension responses evoked by caffeine in the absence of P(i) were smaller and slower to peak if fibres were exposed to P(i) in a restricted myoplasmic Ca2+ pool after SR Ca2+ loading. This indicated that myoplasmic P(i) can decrease and prolong the rate of Ca2+ release from the SR.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

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