
The breakdown of Lorentz's and CPT invariance, as described by the Extension of the Standard Model, gives rise to a modification of the dispersion relation of particles. Consequences of such a modification are reviewed in the framework of pulsar kicks induced by neutrino oscillations (active-sterile conversion). A peculiar feature of the modified energy-momentum relations is the occurrence of terms of the form $\delta {\bbox \Pi}\cdot {\bf {\hat p}}$, where $\delta {\bbox \Pi}$ accounts for the difference of spatial components of flavor depending coefficients which lead to the departure of the Lorentz symmetry, and ${\bf {\hat p}}={\bf p}/p$, being ${\bf p}$ the neutrino momentum. Owing to the relative orientation of ${\bf p}$ with respect to $\delta {\bbox \Pi}$, the {\it coupling} $\delta {\bbox \Pi}\cdot {\bf {\hat p}}$ may induce the mechanism to generate the observed pulsar velocities. Topics related to the velocity distribution of pulsars are also discussed.

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