
The objective of the study is to evaluate the respiration of the microbial flora of soils amended with household waste compost under tomato cultivation. The experimental device adopted was that of complete random blocks with three repetitions. The compost was applied in doses of 10 t.ha-1, 20 t.ha-1, 30 t.ha-1 and 40 t.ha-1. To these treatments are added those of absolute control, mineral fertilization (0.2 t.ha-1 of NPK 15-15-15 and 0.1 t.ha-1 of Urea 46% N) and organo fertilization -mineral (10 t.ha-1 of compost combined with 0.1 t.ha-1 of NPK 15-15-15 and 0.05 t.ha-1 of Urea 46% N). Soil samples were taken from the plots at a depth of 0 - 20 cm and incubated in the laboratory for the evaluation of the respiration of the microbial flora. Soil CO2 emission was measured daily for 28 days of incubation using NaOH and 0.1 N HCl as titrant after precipitating the carbonate with barium chloride (BaCl2) solution by alkaline back titration in the presence of the colored indicator (phenolphthalein). The results showed that the application of compost from household waste induced an increase in CO2 emission from the soil (60.67-215.4 mg.kg-1 of soil) and fruit yield of tomato (8.61-36.43 t.ha-1). Thus the application of compost at the dose of 30 t.ha-1 improves soil biological activity and tomato fruit yield.

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