
The lifetime of magnetic excitations in metals is governed by scattering rates between magnons and electrons. Recent investigations [1, 2] document how magnetization dynamics vary with composition in magnetic metal alloys due to changes in their electronic band structures; e.g. Co0.25Fe0.75 thin-films display low magnetic damping (α ~ 10-4). In my talk, I will present experimental measurements of magnetic damping, ultrafast magnetization dynamics, and thermal transport properties of CoFe magnetic alloys, varying with alloy composition. To explore the magnetization dynamics, I use a time-resolved MOKE set-up to observe ultrafast demagnetization in a few hundred femtoseconds followed by precessional dynamics. Through TDTR measurements, I check if lower electron-magnon scattering rates lead to improved thermal transport. My investigation sheds light on how magnon-electron scattering rates govern dynamics on femtosecond (ultrafast demagnetization), nanosecond (magnetic precession and damping), and microsecond time-scales (thermal transport of energy). *This work was supported by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory and the U.S. Army Research Office under grant # W911NF-18-1-0364.

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