
Background: Hypoglycaemia is a condition that can have a severely negative impact on the life of a person with diabetes, making blood sugar control difficult. Closed loop hybrid insulin pump therapy has been shown to be highly effective in managing this condition, resulting in rapid improvement in glycaemic control and a reduction in the frequency and severity of hypoglycaemic attacks. This article presents a case study in which a type 1 diabetic achieved significant improvement in glycaemic control after switching to a closed-loop hybrid insulin pump system and receiving remote monitoring. Case presentation: A 57-year-old female with type 1 diabetic who had all micro and macro vascular complications. Her blood glucose control was achieved rapidly after switching to insulin pump and her daily life was became more active and normalised. Conclusion: This study highlights rapid achievement of glycemic control, minimization of hypoglycemic episodes, and remote monitoring of the person with type 1 diabetes using a closed circuit insulin pump system. The study's evaluation is objective and based on clear evidence.

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