
Clomiphene citrate(an anti-estrogen) has the abilities for the secretion of gondaotropin from the anterior pituitary gland. The present study was designed to investigate the effects of CC and hCG on female sex hormones (FSH, Estrogen) and serum biochemical constituents in pre-pubertal Sahiwal heifers. The twelve animals were randomly divided into a) treatment and b) control groups. These animals were grouped on the basis of reproductive status of heifers. The animals in treatment group were fed clomiphene citrate with dose of 300mg/ animal for 9 days. On 10thday of experiment, hCG (IVF-C 5000 iu (hCG) LG Life Sciences, Korea) was injected I/V to both groups. For the serum biochemical constituent’s evaluation and oxidative stress (MDA), blood on day 0, 14 and 28 was collected. Similarly, for hormones evaluation three blood samples per week (on alternate days) for 9 days were collected. The concentrations of both hormones were assessed by ELISA. For the comparison of variables, student t-test was applied. Analysis of data revealed that levels of hormones were higher in treated animals as compared to control. There was significant (p less than 0.05) increase in total cholesterol, triglycerides total protein and sugar.But there was nonsignificant(p> 0.05) effect on liver enzymes (ALT and AST) and MDA. It was concluded that use of CC and hCG increase the FSH and estrogen and few alterations in serum biochemical constituents in the pre-pubertal Sahiwal heifers.

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