
In recent decades, climatic change has grown to one of the most concerned problems in the society. Species across the globe have been responding to climate change. In this article, butterflies responses across the globe towards climate change are mainly focused on. But-terflies are sensitive to climate change due to their species interaction, high mobility and links with specific habitat conditions. They also have a wide distribution, covering all con-tinents but Antarctica. Climate change impacts biodiversity and affect butterflies various behaviors. This article has discussed butterflies organismal responses, range shifts, altera-tions of phenology behaviors and species interaction. After analyzing studied data, it is shown that climate change has led the genetic revolution of certain mountain butterfly spe-cies to extinction. Warming climate has increased voltinism in European butterflies and has created mismatches in trophic interaction via driving mountain butterflies towards the summits. It is also studied in the article that warming night temperatures effect oviposition and life span of Finnish Glanville fritillary butterflies. The effect of disturbed El Nino/La Nina frequency due to climate change on tropic butterfly abundance has also been men-tioned. Climate change has also affected monarch migration and population via shifting host plant distributions. By diving deep into the specific response butterflies have towards climate change, a more developed view on the effects of climate change could be gained. This is aimed for finding solutions to better preserve biodiversity.

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