
Summary In rare plants that often occur in small or isolated populations the probability of selfing between close relatives is increased as a consequence of demographic stochasticity. The mode of pollination (selfing, outcrossing) may have considerable effects on seed traits and offspring performance and hence potential viability. Since current efforts aiming at the restoration of floodplain grasslands through the transfer of plant material from species-rich source stands may lead to the establishment of initially small populations consisting of founders from different populations, the present paper experimentally investigated the effects of pollen source and floral types (i.e. chasmogamous (CH) and cleistogamous (CL) flowers) on seed traits and offspring performance in three highly endangered violet species ( Viola elatior , V. pumila , V. stagnina ) of these grasslands. We estimated inbreeding depression and tested the performance of selfed and outcrossed offspring in two microbial environments, i.e. in soil inoculated with (i) non-sterile substrate from the same species (‘home’-conditions) and (ii) sterilised substrate. Plants produced more CL capsules than CH flowers. Pollinator exclusion had only small effects on CH seed production. CL seeds had a significantly lower mass per seed than CH seeds. This may be related to constraints in allocation or environmental conditions. Seedling growth was reduced in plants grown under ‘home’-conditions as compared to control soils. Under ‘home’-conditions, relative fitness of selfed seedlings of V. stagnina was significantly higher than that of crossed progeny. Our results suggest that high genetic differentiation among populations as a consequence of isolation may result in outbreeding depression, e.g., through biochemical or physiological incompatibilities between genes or the breaking of coadapted gene complexes. In V. stagnina , offspring fitness differed considerably between environments, but in general we found no indications for inbreeding depression in these rare species.

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