
The main aim of this study was to see the relationship between class size and classroom management), Classroom management (CRM) for comparing teaching in overcrowded classes versus small sized classrooms. Primary data were collected from same teachers who had the experience of teaching both overcrowded classes and small sized classes. For overcrowded classes, it was hypothesized that teachers can very effectively maintain discipline in the small-sized classrooms as compared to the overcrowded classes. In case of class room management (CRM), it was hypothesized that overcrowded classes do not allow good class room management compared to small sized classes. Reliability tests were carried out to check consistency of the answers from respondents on all seven variables, in both the overcrowded and small-sized classes. The test chornbachs� alphas yielded acceptable to very good range. The mean values of variable Classroom management (CRMO) was estimate at 4.04. On the basis of descriptive statistics coupled with One-sample t test, this research concluded that majority of the teachers had found that overcrowded class rooms were not appropriate for Classroom management (CRMS). Considering the conclusions, the study recommends that classes should not be overcrowded to the best possible circumstances.

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