
Objective — to reveal the features of the subjective status and care of the oral cavity of patients during the year since the beginning of the military conflict in Ukraine based on questionnaire data.
 Materials and methods. With the use of the designed and implemented questionnaire, the descriptive population‑based anonymous investigation has been carried out. The analysis involved questionnaires of 127 adults, 37% of subjects were medical professionals, and 63% were patients of a therapeutic profile; women accounted for 61.4%. The group of patients aged 35 — 49 years was the most numerous. The questionnaire included 18 questions and consisted of 4 blocks concerning changes in the character of dental complaints, the amount of sweet food, hygienic care and visits to the dentist during the year of the military conflict. Data were analyzed using SPSS software.
 Results. Patients had significant differences in the number of positive answers regarding the appearance of complaints of dry mouth, increased viscosity of saliva, bad breath compared to the group of medical professionals. The latter demonstrated a higher level of discipline regarding hygienic care of the oral cavity, moderate consumption of sweets and visits to the dentist than patients. Compared to the year 2021, the number of smokers among patients has doubled.
 Conclusions. Medical professionals demonstrated a higher level of stress resistance, they have greater knowledge about the effects of sweets on dental health, the effects of general health on oral health, and the importance of regular oral hygiene than their patients. Patients who are exposed to chronic stress need more careful monitoring by a doctor. The developed questionnaire can be used to study the impact of chronic stress on oral health in different cohorts.

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