
Since the work dealing with the loss of sensitivity to hypophyseal extracts exhibited by animals after chronic administration has been reviewed recently by others we shall not attempt to cite all of the publications concerned with this subject. The cause of the production of this insensitivity is at present controversial. In the main, two explanations have been advanced. The one, postulated by Collip (1), that the refractoriness is a normal reaction in which antihormones hold in balance the activity of the internal secretions, is supported by the following evidence. First, the function of the gonads and thyroids of animals which have become insensitive to gonadotropic and thyrotropic extracts of anterior lobes of a different species is depressed below normal, indicating perhaps a neutralization of the animal's own pituitary hormone (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). In line with this is the evidence that the serum of a horse which had received chronic treatment with thyrotropic extract was capable of reducing the bas...

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