
In the present study, dynamics of non-premixed hydrogen-air flames in two Y-shaped cylindrical micro combustors of different horizontal channel lengths (L = 100 and 200 mm) were experimentally compared. The inner diameters of the micro-combustors are 2 mm. Unburned mixture was ignited by heating the near-exit wall with a butane torch. The results show that six and three flame propagation modes in the 200-mm and 100-mm micro-combustors were observed, respectively. Moreover, it is found that the flame oscillation duration is much longer with a larger noise intensity in the 200-mm micro-combustor. As a result, the mean propagation speed under L = 100 mm is much larger. In addition, the edge flame is longer on the lean side under L = 100 mm and almost identical on the rich side for the two combustors. Furthermore, the luminosity of edge flame in the 100-mm micro-combustor is much brighter. Numerical analysis reveals that the deflection of propagating flame in the Y-shaped micro-combustor is determined by the stoichiometric line. In summary, the short combustor has a smaller heat loss ratio and a stronger flame-wall thermal coupling, which can enhance the combustion intensity and increase the flame propagation speed.

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