
In the rat hypothalamic magnocellular neurons, galanin coexists with vasopressin and might be involved in hydro-osmotic regulation. In the present study, we investigated the ability of galanin to also regulate the osmotically stimulated expression of galanin itself in hypothalamic magnocellular neurons. Ten minutes after galanin injection, galanin mRNA rate decreased in salt-loaded rats whereas the level of galanin immunoreactivity increased. Both effects were suppressed by the injection of a galanin antagonist together with galanin. Moreover, electron microscope studies demonstrated synaptic contacts between galanin-containing fibers and magnocellular neurons. Galanin may exert inhibitory roles in the regulation of magnocellular neurons. However, galanin and vasopressin expression displayed differences upon galanin injection. Possible mechanisms underlying these discrepancies are further discussed.

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