
The objective of the present study was to test the hypothesis that in neonatal piglets there would be no hypoventilation after sham denervation or aortic denervation (AOD) alone, but there would be transient hypoventilation after carotid body denervation (CBD) and the hypoventilation would be greatest after combined carotid and aortic denervation (CBD+AOD). There was a significant (P < 0.05) hypoventilation in CBD and CBD+AOD piglets denervated at 5, 15, and 25 days of age. The hypoventilation in CBD+AOD piglets denervated at 5 days of age was greater (P < 0.05) than that of all other groups. Conversely, sham-denervated and AOD piglets did not hypoventilate after denervation. Injections of sodium cyanide showed that aortic chemoreceptors were a site of recovery of peripheral chemosensitivity after CBD. This aortic sodium cyanide response was abolished by prior injection of a serotonin 5a receptor blocker. Residual peripheral chemosensitivity after CBD+AOD was localized to the left ventricle. We conclude that 1) aortic chemoreceptors contribute to eupneic breathing in piglets that were carotid denervated at 5 days of age and 2) there are multiple sites of residual peripheral chemosensitivity after CBD.

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