
Studies with cannabidiol (CBD) suggest that this compound has anxiolytic properties and may mediate the reconsolidation and extinction of aversive memories. The objective of this study was to test whether the administration of CBD 300mg before the recall of traumatic events attenuated symptoms usually induced by recall in subjects diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and if its potential effects interfere with the reconsolidation of aversive memories. The double-blind trial included 33 participants of both sexes, aged between 18 and 60years, diagnosed with PTSD according to the SCID-5 and randomly allocated to two groups treated with CBD (n = 17) and placebo (n = 16). In the first experimental section, participants were matched by sex, age, body mass index (BMI), and PTSD symptoms as assessed with the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist (PCL-5). On the same day, participants prepared the behavior test, recording accounts of their traumas in digital audio for a minute and a half and then imagining the trauma for 30s. After 7days, participants received CBD (300mg) or placebo and performed the behavioral test, listening to the trauma account and imagining themselves in that situation. Before and after the behavioral test, subjective changes in mood and anxiety were recorded (Visual and Analogical Mood Scale - VAMS and STAI-state), along with physiological correlates of anxiety blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), and salivary cortisol (SC). Seven days later, participants underwent the same procedures as the previous session, but without the pharmacological intervention, to assess the effect on reconsolidation of traumatic memories. We found that CBD significantly attenuated the increase in the VAMS scale cognitive impairment factor scores, under the CBD's effect, with this effect remaining 1week after drug administration. No significant differences between the effects of CBD and placebo on anxiety, alertness, and discomfort induced by the recall of the traumatic event during the pharmacological intervention and in the subsequent week, in the absence of it. There were no significant differences between the CBD and placebo groups regarding physiological data (BP, HR, and SC). The attenuation of cognitive impairments during trauma recall under the effect of CBD may have interfered with the reconsolidation of traumatic memories concerning its association with cognitive impairments.

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