
In our previous study, we found that the majority of locus coeruleus (LC) neurons were inhibited by caloric stimulation and that the inhibition was mediated by gamma aminobutyric acid (GABAA) receptors. It has been reported that the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (PrH) sends GABAergic inputs to the LC. In the present study, an attempt was made to determine whether PrH neurons contribute to the LC neuronal inhibition caused by caloric stimulation. We characterized the neuronal response in the PrH to caloric stimulation in rats. About three-fourths of PrH neurons showed various responses to both ipsi- and contralateral caloric stimulation, suggesting that PrH neurons receive bilateral vestibular inputs. However, these neurons were not activated by antidromic stimulation of the LC. The remaining one-fourth of the PrH neurons that were antidromically activated did not respond to caloric stimulation. Lesions in the PrH did not attenuate the LC neuronal inhibition caused by caloric stimulation. These findings suggest that the inhibition of LC neurons caused by caloric stimulation is not mediated by the PrH.

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