
An attenuated stress response during the breeding season has been reported for several vertebrate species, but the underlying physiological mechanism has received little attention, particularly in reptiles. Modulation could involve changes in the capacity of the adrenal gland to secrete glucocorticoids in addition to upstream changes in the pituitary or hypothalamus. In this study the magnitude of the corticosterone response to capture and confinement was compared between the breeding and postbreeding season in adult male eastern fence lizards, Sceloporus undulatus. Males were captured in both seasons and subjected to the identical stressor of 4 h of confinement. Plasma corticosterone levels in response to confinement were significantly lower in the breeding than the postbreeding season. The effect of testosterone on the stress response was tested by experimentally elevating plasma testosterone levels via silastic implants in free-living males during the postbreeding season. Males with experimentally elevated testosterone exhibited significantly weaker corticosterone responses to 1 h of confinement than sham-implanted males. Finally the capacity of the adrenal glands to secrete corticosterone during the breeding season was tested by challenging males with adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) injections. In spite of naturally suppressed corticosterone responses during the breeding season, males nonetheless responded robustly to ACTH. Altogether these results suggest that modulation resides upstream of the adrenal gland, as has been shown in some arctic-breeding avian species, and likely involves seasonal changes in testosterone levels.

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