
Moderate reductions (<15%) in body weight gain, similar to those observed after administration of some chemopreventive agents in chemically induced mammary cancer models, will result in decreased mammary cancers (up to 55%). The objective of this study was to determine whether changes in mammary gland differentiation, proliferation, apoptosis, and estradiol and progesterone levels are affected by moderate reductions in body weight induced after chemopreventive agent treatment and dietary restriction. The body weights of female Sprague-Dawley rats were reduced by dietary restrictions to match those of rats receiving 4-hydroxyphenylretinamide (4-HPR) at a dose known to inhibit methylnitrosourea (MNU)-induced mammary cancers. 4-HPR supplementation or dietary restrictions began 1 wk before MNU administration at 50 days of age. Mammary gland differentiation, proliferation, apoptosis, and serum levels of estradiol and progesterone were measured at 50, 57, and 71 days of age. Casein expression, proliferating cellular nuclear antigen expression, and apoptosis were not significantly different from controls in the dietary-restricted group. Proliferating cellular nuclear antigen expression was significantly lower in 4-HPR-treated animals than in controls at 57 days of age. The diameter of the mammary gland ducts was smaller at 71 days of age in the treatment groups. A decrease in estradiol levels for each group was observed at 50 days of age, but not at later time points. Progesterone levels were reduced in the 4-HPR group, but not in the dietary-restricted group, during each time period. It would appear that the observed decrease in mammary cancers observed with moderate reductions in body weight gain might be due to multiple related factors different from those related to 4-HPR treatment.

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