
Chlorophyll (Chi) biosynthesis is regulated at the step of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) synthesis (cf. [3]). ALA formation in higher plants is controlled by two light systems, Pchl and phytochrome, which act as photoreceptors. In the first, the inhibition of ALA-synthesizing activity by Pchl accumulated in dark-grown seedlings is removed by light as a result of photoconversion of Pchl into Chi [7, 13]. In the other, ALA- synthesizing activity is potentiated by red light; formation of ALA-synthesizing enzyme is probably induced [7, 9, 13–15] through the mediation of phytochrome as a photoreceptor. In some algae which require light for Chi formation, blue light induces ALA-forming activity [17, 18] in dark-grown cells, while red light as well as blue light enhances ALA formation in greening algal cells [19, 22].KeywordsBlue LightLevulinic AcidCallus CellScenedesmus ObliquusCulture Tobacco CellThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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