
We study the effect of ingestion by birds on seed germination and theconsequences of absence of dispersal, with the persistency of the seedsinside the fruit. We collected seeds of four woody species ofthe temperate rainforest of Chiloe: Gaultheriamucronata, Luma apiculata, Myrteolanummularia, and Myrceugenia planipes. The seedstested had the following origins: 1) Ingested seeds: seeds collected fromthe feces of birds, 2) Extracted seeds: seeds obtained directly from thefruits, and 3) Intact fruits: fruits collected directly from the plants.Germination of Myrceugenia planipes under greenhouseconditions, Luma apiculata, and Myrteolanummularia under laboratory conditions, and Gaultheriamucronata under both conditions was analyzed. We found that the seedsreach their maximum germination between 15–20 days after sowing, withthe exception of those of G. mucronata sown in the greenhouse,which showed a low germination rate. In the greenhouse assay, seeds ofG. mucronata ingested by birds, seeds extracted manuallyfrom the fruits, and seeds inside the fruits did not show significant differencesin their germination percentages. In the laboratory assays, the seeds ofG. mucronata and M. nummulariaingested by birds and the seeds extracted manually from the fruits also did not show anysignificant difference in germination. Under laboratory conditions, theseeds of L. apiculata ingested by birds presented astatistically greater percentage of germination than the seeds extracted manually.Under greenhouse conditions, seeds of M. planipes ingestedby birds did not present a statistically different germination percentage fromthose seeds extracted from the fruits. The seeds of M.planipes, and L. apiculata inside the intactfruits did not germinate. We conclude that birds do not affect the seedviability of any of the four species studied.

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