
This study was designed to investigate the response of Type III hyperlipoproteinemic subjects to bezafibrate therapy. The metabolism of apolipoprotein B was examined in four lipoprotein subclasses of Sf 60-400 (large very low density lipoprotein (VLDL)), Sf 20-60 (small VLDL), Sf 12-20 (intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL)), and Sf 0-12 (low density lipoprotein (LDL)) before and during bezafibrate therapy. Treatment reduced the plasma concentration of VLDL and raised high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. There was no net change in LDL cholesterol or its associated apolipoprotein B. The decrease in plasma VLDL derived mainly from an inhibition of synthesis of both large and small subfractions which reduced the number of particles in the circulation without normalizing their lipid composition. Catabolism of the larger VLDL also increased, presumably as a result of lipoprotein lipase activation. Although the plasma concentration of LDL was unchanged, both its synthesis and catabolism were perturbed. Its fractional catabolic rate fell by 50%, but the impact that this would have had on its steady state level in the circulation was apparently blunted by a decrease in its synthesis from Sf 12-20 IDL. In the control phase of the study, most IDL apolipoprotein B was converted to LDL. Bezafibrate therapy channelled this material towards direct catabolism.

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