
Common complaints presented by couples who seek behavioral marital therapy (BMT) are lack of communication and inability to solve problems. This study concerns itself with the following questions: (a) Do couples change their communication and problem-solving behavior when treated with BMT? (b) Are these changes significant in a clinical sense? (c) Do treated couples change both the frequency and the sequence or pattern of their communication? Three samples were used as follows: 29 couples treated with BMT, 14 waiting-list control couples, and 12 nondistressed couples. Behavioral codings obtained from couples' videotaped problem discussions provided the measure for communication and problem solving. The results of the frequency analysis showed that the treatment was effective in changing the base rates of the couples' communication skills in the expected direction and to a clinically significant extent. Changes became even more apparent when methods of sequential analysis were used. The interaction patterns of the treated couples closely resembled the pattern exhibited by the nondistressed couples while the waiting-list couples did not change at all during their waiting time. However, one unexpected finding emerged. After therapy, BMT couples appeared to be sensitized to react to aversive stimuli from their spouses. In general, the results point to the value of behavioral observation in order to improve therapeutic interventions on an empirical basis.

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