
Abstract Banding with Velcro™ of new shoot growth in moderately difficult-to-root apple rootstock MM.106 (Malus domestica Borkh.) for 7 days prior to taking cuttings, and treatment of cuttings with 500 to 2000 ppm indolebutyric acid (IBA) increased both percent rooting and root number. Banding, however, did not influence the rooting of easy-to-root Franklinia alatamaha Marsh. IBA at 0 to 1000 ppm induced a logarithmic increase in percent rooting of cuttings of MM.106 and root number of cuttings of Franklinia; but, higher levels of IBA reduced both. Banding prevented the rooting inhibition found at high concentrations of IBA in cuttings of MM.106, while simultaneously stimulating lateral budbreak and greater root number. Stem banding improved the establishment of cuttings treated with 1000 ppm and 2000 ppm IBA. Without banding, establishment of these cuttings was markedly decreased.

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