
Geobag stability has not been extensively studied under river current loading. In this study, the impacts of geobag characteristics (shape, bag material, and fill ratio of sand) and channel side slope (flat and 1V:2H) on a single geobag's stability were systematically investigated in a physical model to form the solid foundation for the research of group geobags. Overall, a geobag with a higher fill ratio, combined with the more flexible cloth material, was found to be the most stable. Critical Shields parameters were estimated between 0.0018 and 0.019, and the cross-sectional averaged flow velocity at incipient motion ranged from 0.49 m/s to 1.08 m/s. A shape factor was introduced to better describe the relationship between geobag characteristics and their stability on both riverbed configurations. Both the fill ratio and the bed side slope had higher importance on the geobag's stability compared to the relative depth, bag shape, and angle of flexibility.

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