
ABSTRACTOBJECTIVE: To find out changes induced in normal gait parameters due to backpack.METHODS: Thirty university healthy female students participated in this study through convenient sampling technique after taking consent. Participants were asked to walk twice on GAITRite® mat first without carrying backpack and then with a 3kg back pack over single shoulder. GAITRite® System version 4.7.7 was used. The individuals presented with fractures, any type of pain, orthopedic problems, neurological or musculoskeletal disorders, cerebral palsy, myelodysplasia or arthritis and congenital or spinal deformities were excluded.RESULTS: The mean age, height and weight of participants were 21.37±1.18 years, 1.62±.043 meters and 45.56±5.04 kilogram respectively. Gait was evaluated and there was decrease in the velocity on wearing the backpack on single shoulder in contrast with velocity when no backpack was worn over either left or right shoulder from 109.13±10.89 to 105.79±10.85 (p=0.001), stance parameter of gait had no significant difference when subjects worn the backpack over one shoulder in comparison when walked without carrying the backpack 61.5±1.42 to 61.36±1.53 (p=0.288). No significant changes were recorded in left double limb support and right double limb support, before and after wearing backpack 23.09±2.5 to 22.91±2.79 (p=0.489) and 22.98±2.42 to 22.69±2.78 (p=0.348) respectively. Same is the case in left single limb support and right single limb support 38.34±1.37 to 38.44±1.53 (p=0.565) and 38.68±1.59 to 38.83±1.53 (p=0.493). CONCLUSION: The study concluded that wearing backpack over one shoulder causes significant changes in velocity while no changes observed in single and double limb support.KEY WORDS: Gait (MsSH); GAITRite® system (Non-MeSH); Backpack (Non-MeSH); Velocity (Non-MeSH); Single limb support (Non-MeSH); Double limb support (Non-MeSH).

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