
Antiinflammatory drugs may prevent thrombosis by inhibiting platelet prostaglandin (PG) synthesis. We have studied: 1. the effects of aspirin (ASA) and sulfinpyrazone (SPZ) in vitro on platelet PG synthesis. 2. PG synthesis in vitro using platelets from patients with transient cerebral ischemic attacks (TIA) who are receiving either placebo (PLC), ASA (1200 mg daily) or SPZ (800 mg daily). 3. the platelet release reaction (PRR) using platelets from PLC and SPZ-treated TIA patients. 4. PRR using platelets from control subjects in the presence and absence of added SPZ.KeywordsSilicic AcidCollagen ConcentrationIrreversible EffectRapid SynthesisWashed PlateletThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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