
Feeding mice sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) caused a significant decrease in splenic IgM antibody responses to SRBC given ip. Reduced IgM responses were due to a suppressor factor in the serum of fed mice rather than due to a lack of IgM antibody-forming cell precursors or to the presence of suppressor T cells. Although feeding initially primed mice to produce greater IgA and IgG anti-SRBC responses after SRBC challenge, the initial primed state was transitory. Mice fed SRBC for longer than 8 weeks had significantly reduced splenic IgG and IgA responses after SRBC challenge. Suppression of IgM responses by serum from fed mice was antigen-specific and not H-2 restricted. Serum from fed mice inhibited the induction of IgM anti-SRBC responses but did not block the expression of already established responses. The size of the suppressor factor and the ability to remove suppressor activity from serum by anti-mouse immunoglobulin suggested that suppression was mediated by antibody. However, the determinants against which the antibody was directed appeared to differ among batches of suppressor sera. Suppressor activity did not appear to be mediated by immune complexes, or soluble antigen. Oral feeding of antigen can have a marked influence on host systemic immune responses when the antigen used for feeding is subsequently administered parenterally. Thus, oral antigen administration may provide a way for specifically manipulating systemic immune responses in vivo. In addition, antigen-feeding may provide a means for producing transferable factors that suppress humoral antibody responses.

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