
A trial was conducted to determine if feeding OmniGen-AF® (OG) to 22 late lactation cows 60 days prior to and during the early dry period, a time of increased susceptibility to mastitis, could reduce disease incidence in a dairy herd experiencing major health issues. Treated cows (n = 11) consumed a ration containing OG [9 g/100 kg of body weight/day] beginning 60 days before dry-off, during the dry period, and through 30 days in milk (DIM). Control cows received the same ration during the dry period through 30 DIM only. Body weights, body condition scores (BCS), intramammary infection (IMI) prevalence, new IMI rates, somatic cell counts (SCC), milk yield, and adverse health events were measured. No differences were found between treatments for body weight or BCS. Adverse health event data at calving showed no differences between treatments except for percentage of cows with hyperketonemia, which was lower among treated cows (63.6% vs 100%). Prevalence of IMI from calving through 30 DIM for treated cows (6.1%) was lower than controls (11.05%); likewise, new IMI rate during this time for treated cows (0.61%) was lower than controls (5.81%). The SCC from calving through 30 DIM for treated cows (215,000/ml) was lower than controls (493,000/ml). Average production/day at the first DHIA test (~33 DIM) showed that treated cows produced more milk (39.9 kg) than controls (35.34 kg). In conclusion, feeding OG 60 days prior to dry-off reduced hyperketonemia and mastitis, lowered SCC, and numerically increased milk yield in a dairy herd experiencing major health issues.

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