
The integral bioluminescence (BL) intensity of live Photobacterium phosphoreum cells (strain 1883 IBSO), sampled at the stationary growth stage (20h), was monitored for further 300h in the absence (control) and presence of 241Am (an α-emitting radionuclide of a high specific activity) in the growth medium. The activity concentration of 241Am was 2kBql−1; [241Am]=6.5×10−11M. Parallel experiments were also performed with water-soluble humic substances (HS, 2.5mgl−1; containing over 70% potassium humate) added to the culture medium as a possible detoxifying agent. The BL spectra of all the bacterial samples were very similar (λmax=481±3nm; FWHM=83±3nm) showing that 241Am (also with HS) influenced the bacterial BL system at stages prior to the formation of electronically excited states. The HS added per se virtually did not influence the integral BL intensity. In the presence of 241Am, BL was initially activated but inhibited after 180h, while the system 241Am+HS showed an effective activation of BL up to 300h which slowly decreased with time. Diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform (DRIFT) spectroscopy, applied to dry cell biomass sampled at the stationary growth phase, was used to control possible metabolic responses of the bacteria to the α-radioactivity stress (observed earlier for other bacteria under other stresses). The DRIFT spectra were all very similar showing a low content of intracellular poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (at the level of a few percent of dry biomass) and no or negligible spectroscopic changes in the presence of 241Am and/or HS. This assumes the α-radioactivity effect to be transmitted by live cells mainly to the bacterial BL enzyme system, with negligible structural or compositional changes in cellular macrocomponents at the stationary growth phase.

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