
Vitamin E (VE) is an antioxydant defense system and a signaling molecule which has been the subject of various clinical trials in cancer chemoprevention or in adjuvant therapy after chemotherapy. In some circunstances it is indexed to act as a pro-oxidant inducing adverse effects such as progesssion of cancer metastasis or diabetes. The objective of this work is firstly to investigated the effect of VE (α-T) supplementation on mices, in way to evaluate the risk in developping diabetes and secondly to make review on vitamin E modulated genes. The study was performed on 32 adult albino mices in which alpha-tocopherol was administred at different doses. After, blood biochemical paramaters status has been analysed. Renal damages were researched by histopathological analysis. We have made review on VE modulated genes through indexed articles in genetic databases, PubMed Central and Google scholar. An inadequate status of blood biochemical paramaters especially, glucose level, hyperlipidemia and a hypercreatininemia has been observed. Renal damages with modifications in structures were noted. A list of genes modulated by VE, which could explain mechanisms by which α-T- induced diabetes could appear was highlighted. The study shows that high doses of α-T supplement resulted in disorder of biochemical parameters, with dysfunction of renal tissue and development of diabetes.

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