
Agricultural landscapes have changed substantially in recent decades, shifting from the dominance of small fields (S) with diverse cropping systems toward large-scale monoculture (L), where landscape heterogeneity disappears. In this study, artificial nests of the red mason bee, Osmia bicornis, were placed in S and L landscape types on the perimeter of oilseed rape fields representing different oilseed rape coverages (ORC, % land cover). The local landscape structure around each nest was characterised within a 100, 200, 500, and 1000 m radius using ORC and 14 landscape characteristics, which were then reduced by non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) to two axes: nMDS1 characterised the dataset primarily according to land fragmentation and the main crop, whereas nMDS2 captured the prevalence of more natural areas in the landscape. Pollen diversity and insecticide risk levels in the pollen provisions collected by the bees were analysed, and their dependence on the landscape structure was tested. Thereafter, the effects of pollen diversity, insecticide risk, and landscape structure on the life-history traits of bees and their sensitivity to topically applied Dursban 480 EC were determined. Pollen taxa richness in a single nest ranged from 3 to 12, and 34 pesticides were detected in the pollen at concentrations of up to 320 ng/g for desmedipham. The O. bicornis foraging range was relatively large, indicating that the landscape structure within a radius of ~1000 m around the nest is important for this species. Pollen diversity in the studied areas was of minor importance for bee performance, but the ORC or landscape structure significantly affected the life-history traits of the bees. Contamination of pollen with insecticides affected the bees by decreasing the mass of newly emerged adults but their sensitivity to Dursban 480 EC was not related to environmental variables.

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