
variance via linear regression (adjusted for age, gender, total intracranial volume, and CDR) were performed to study cross-sectional group differences.Results: The PS1 group showed significantly lower whole-brain volume than APP carriers, and a trend for lower cortical GM and thalamic volumes. By contrast, the APP carriers had significantly lower hippocampus to cortical GM ratio than PS1. Compared to non-carriers, the PS1 group had significantly lower whole-brain and thalamic volumes. Both carrier groups showed trends towards lower caudate volumes, but only the APP carriers towards lower putamen volumes than non-carriers. Figure 1 shows the groupaverage volumes and these results. Conclusions: The results suggest that there may be differences in regional atrophy patterns between PS1 and APP. The number of APP carriers included was relatively low, and it will be important to corroborate these findings with on-going recruitment to DIAN and with longitudinal studies. These observations will have important implications for upcoming FAD treatment trials and their choice of outcome measures.

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