
ABSTRACT Childhood experiences of early life stress and adversity can lead to long-term detrimental outcomes across the lifespan. Recent evidence suggests avoiding stressors is not enough for species-typical development. Nurturing and responsive care are needed to both buffer adverse experiences as well as promote healthy development, but little is known regarding the interaction between species-typical environmental support in childhood, Evolved Developmental Niche history (EDN-history), and adversity on physiological regulation in adult women. To investigate the interaction between species-typical nurturing and adversity (ACEs, adverse childhood experiences), women (N = 113) were asked to report on EDN-history and ACEs. Physiological regulation was measured using respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) across three conditions that included stress and relaxation. Applying latent basis coefficient modeling, EDN-history moderated vagal withdrawal from baseline to stress and supported vagal activation from stress to recovery, suggesting a link between EDN-history and vagal adaptability. EDN-history acted as a buffer against ACEs on physiological regulation supporting women’s vagal adaptability across differing conditions. Physiological adaptability is a key component of physical and psychological wellbeing and resilience. Experiences of the EDN in childhood may not only buffer adversity but also support the physiological building blocks of health and resilience.

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