
Thromboxane A2 may play a major role in circulatory shock. In some species, thromboxane synthetase inhibitors have a beneficial effect on shock induced by endotoxin, trauma, sepsis and administration of arachidonate. In some shock models, however, results with thromboxane synthetase inhibitors have been conflicting. The effect of UK-38,485, a selective thromboxane inhibitor, was evaluated in ponies injected with endotoxin intraperitoneally. Four groups of ponies were used to compare the effects of endotoxin alone, UK-38,485 alone, treatment with UK-38,485 before endotoxin challenge and treatment with UK-38,485 after endotoxin challenge. Haematological, metabolic, eicosanoid and clinical responses in each group were evaluated. The results indicated that UK-38,485 is an effective inhibitor of thromboxane A2 generation following endotoxin challenge. Prostacyclin values were elevated compared with baseline in ponies administered UK-38,485 and endotoxin. However, prostacyclin values were not significantly different from those of ponies receiving endotoxin alone. Furthermore, UK-38,485 failed to attenuate the haematological, metabolic and clinical manifestations commonly seen in the pony after endotoxin challenge.

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