
Sexual harassment is still a widespread problem in today’s modern society. Therefore, it is important to identify extralegal factors that shape society’s attitudes towards sexual harassment cases and why, sometimes, the victim of sexual harassment is being blamed for the situation. Most of the previous studies do not explore the causal relationship between the characteristics of the accused and the attitudes towards the cases. Moreover, the results of many existing studies are contradictory. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the impact of sex, physical attractiveness and socioeconomic status (SES) of the perpetrator on the attitudes towards sexual harassment situations. A hundred seventy-nine respondents participated in the study. During the research, a fictional news report and situation assessment scale were used. It was found that only a perpetrator’s physical attractiveness and socioeconomic status had a statistically significant impact on the appraisal of the perpetrator and victim’s behavior in the situation. The physical attractiveness of the perpetrator resulted in a statistically significant positive appraisal of his behavior and a more negative appraisal of the victim’s behavior. SES only had a statistically significant impact on the appraisal of perpetrator’s behavior: when the perpetrator was of high SES, his behavior in a sexual harassment situation was perceived more negatively than that of low SES. Results of this research not only emphasize the importance of extralegal factors on the attitudes toward the sexual harassment victims and perpetrators among younger adults, but also indicates possible societal changes – diminished gender and opposite SES effects on the attitudes toward the aforementioned situations.


  • A hundred seventy-nine respondents participated in the study

  • socioeconomic status (SES) only had a statistically significant impact on the appraisal of perpetrator’s behavior: when the perpetrator was of high SES, his behavior in a sexual harassment situation was perceived more negatively than that of low SES

  • Results of this research emphasize the importance of extralegal factors on the attitudes toward the sexual harassment victims and perpetrators among younger adults, and indicates possible societal changes – diminished gender and opposite SES effects on the attitudes toward the aforementioned situations

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Ksenija Čunichina

Tad šio tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti, kokį poveikį seksualinio priekabiavimo situacijos dalyvių elgesio vertinimui daro tokie veiksniai kaip kaltinamojo lytis, fizinis patrauklumas ir socioekonominis statusas (SES). Kaltinamojo fizinio patrauklumo, socioekonominio statuso ir lyties reikšmė seksualinio priekabiavimo situacijos dalyvių elgesio vertinimui attractiveness and socioeconomic status (SES) of the perpetrator on the attitudes towards sexual harassment situations. Atsižvelgiant į ankstesnių tyrimų trūkumus, buvo išsikeltas tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti, kokį poveikį seksualinio priekabiavimo situacijos dalyvių elgesio vertinimui daro kaltinamojo fizinis patrauklumas, SES bei lytis. Kaip tyrimo dalyviai vertina straipsnyje pateiktą situaciją, buvo sukurta Seksualinio priekabiavimo situacijos vertinimo skalė, kurią sudarė 13 teiginių, vertinančių kaltinamojo elgesio subjektyvų vertinimą, aukos reakcijos subjektyvų vertinimą bei kaltinimo pagrįstumą. Kaltinamojo fizinio patrauklumo, socioekonominio statuso ir lyties reikšmė seksualinio priekabiavimo situacijos dalyvių elgesio vertinimui aprašančiu straipsniu, o antros tyrimo dalies metu turėjo atsakyti į straipsnio situaciją vertinančius klausimus. Trifaktorinės kovariacinės analizės, vertinant kaltinamojo elgesio vertinimo priklausomybę nuo kaltinamojo fizinio patrauklumo, SES, lyties ir jų sąveikos, rezultatų apibendrinimas

SS df MS
Kaltinamojo elgesio vertinimas
Aukšto SES kaltinamasis Žemo SES kaltinamasis
Fiziškai nepatrauklus kaltinamasis
Rezultatų aptarimas
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