
There is evidence that partial D 2-like dopamine agonists (e.g., terguride) may not affect D 2-like postsynaptic receptors in an adult-typical manner during the preweanling period. To determine whether synthesis modulating dopamine autoreceptors are also affected in an adult atypical manner by partial D 2-like agonists, preweanling rats were treated either acutely or repeatedly with reserpine (low dopaminergic tone) or vehicle (high dopaminergic tone). The ability of terguride, quinpirole (a full D 2-like agonist), or haloperidol (a D 2-like antagonist) to alter striatal DOPA accumulation was assessed after NSD-1015 treatment on postnatal day (PD) 21. In a separate set of experiments, terguride's ability to modulate dopamine synthesis was assessed in rats treated with the nerve impulse flow inhibitor γ-butyrolactone (GBL). Results showed that both terguride and quinpirole reduced striatal DOPA accumulation during a state of low dopaminergic tone (i.e., after reserpine pretreatment). During a state of high dopaminergic tone (i.e., after vehicle pretreatment), terguride had similar effects as haloperidol and increased DOPA accumulation. Terguride, like quinpirole, partially inhibited the GBL-induced increase in striatal DOPA accumulation. When considered together, these results indicate that synthesis modulating D 2-like autoreceptors are functional during the late preweanling period, and they respond in an adult-typical manner to a partial D 2-like agonist.

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